How to Earn SCECHs for Attending the 4TDW 2018
By participating in the virtual conference sessions, Michigan educators can earn between 3 and 7 hours of SCECHs (attend 3 to 7 sessions) through the University of Michigan. You must attend a minimum of 3 hours of the conference to qualify for the minimum 3 SCECHs. For each hour-long webinar you attend, including panels and discussion sessions, you can earn a single SCECH credit. To earn SCECHs, you must have an account in Michigan's MOECs system (see below).
There is no cost to apply for SCECHs, but you must complete the two SCECH forms (linked to below) by 5pm on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
FORM #1 The Office of Professional Preparation Services SCECH form
FORM #2 4TDW 2018 Session Attendance for SCECHs form
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Don't need SCECH's? Purchase a Certificate of attendance at this link.
There is no cost to apply for SCECHs, but you must complete the two SCECH forms (linked to below) by 5pm on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
- Login to each webinar you attend with your first and last name. You must attend the entire 60 minutes of the LIVE session. (Watching an archived recording does not count.)
- Be sure you have an account in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). For help: contact the MOECS Support at (517) 373-3310 or E-mail: [email protected].
- After the conference ends, complete and submit the following 2 forms by 5pm on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
FORM #1 The Office of Professional Preparation Services SCECH form
- Download this form, print it, fill it out, and sign it. (We must have your handwritten signature in order to submit to the state.)
- You must fill out the program name and program dates on the bottom half of the form. If you don't we can not process it.
- *Please note: your email address on this form must match the one listed for you in the MOECs system. If the e-mail addresses do not match, you will NOT receive e-mails from the MDE as to whether or not you have been awarded SCECHs. Also, you MUST complete the evaluation that will be e-mailed to you by MDE/MOECs—another reason the e-mail address must match.*
- To learn how to locate your PIC #, visit this PDF.
- Scan the form and save as a PDF.
- Email the PDF of the form to [email protected]
FORM #2 4TDW 2018 Session Attendance for SCECHs form
- When the conference is over, complete this Google form, indicating the webinar sessions you attended in full (all 60 minutes. Note: if you got knocked out of the room and had to rejoin, you can still count the session).
- To learn how to locate your PIC #, visit this PDF.
- We will cross check the sessions listed on your form with the attendance sheets generated by Blackboard Collaborate.
- Be sure to fill out the Google form no later than 5pm on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 It will be automatically submitted when you click the "submit" button at the bottom of the form.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Don't need SCECH's? Purchase a Certificate of attendance at this link.