Earn 2 graduate credits for your conference attendance.
Central Michigan University is offering the option to earn graduate credit for full attendance at the 4T Virtual Conference on Digital Writing plus some additional coursework, an option available through CMU’s District Designed Professional Development Program.
To earn 2 graduate credits, participants must:
Please register via one of the two following options no later than October 14, 2016.
1. Online: You may register online with a credit card at https://globalapp.cmich.edu/CreditRegistration.
The information you will need specific to the course is listed below:Course
Central Michigan University is offering the option to earn graduate credit for full attendance at the 4T Virtual Conference on Digital Writing plus some additional coursework, an option available through CMU’s District Designed Professional Development Program.
To earn 2 graduate credits, participants must:
- Attend all 24 live sessions of the 2016 4TDW Conference.
- Watch 2 archived sessions from last year's 2015 4TDW Conference (available on this site under the archive menu item) and write 200 word summaries about the key ideas presented in each webinar.
- Journal Entries - Participants will generate an on-going journal throughout the month of October with six substantive entries.
- Unit Plan - Participants will create a unit plan (minimum of 2 weeks in length) that has their students engage in digital writing. The plan will specify skills students will focus on, pedagogical moves the teacher will make, the tools students will use and how this unit plan fits into their larger year-long curriculum.
- Participate in one live class session in November during which participants will share their unit plans.
Please register via one of the two following options no later than October 14, 2016.
1. Online: You may register online with a credit card at https://globalapp.cmich.edu/CreditRegistration.
The information you will need specific to the course is listed below:Course
2. By Phone: You may register over the phone by calling 1-800-950-1144, ext 3718 or 989-774-3718. Hours: 8 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 5 PM EST, Monday through Friday.
In order to receive credit from Central Michigan University, you must be currently admitted to the university. You will need to complete an application if you have never taken graduate-level classes from CMU or you haven't taken a CMU graduate course in the last three years. The non-refundable application fee is $50. If you have taken courses prior or have received a degree from CMU, this fee will be waived. To apply online please visit http://apply.cmich.edu to fill out the Global Campus & Online graduate-level application. Please utilize these instructions to assist you in completing the application.
If you have questions or need assistance in the admission or registration process, please call (800) 950-1144, ext. 3718.
In order to receive credit from Central Michigan University, you must be currently admitted to the university. You will need to complete an application if you have never taken graduate-level classes from CMU or you haven't taken a CMU graduate course in the last three years. The non-refundable application fee is $50. If you have taken courses prior or have received a degree from CMU, this fee will be waived. To apply online please visit http://apply.cmich.edu to fill out the Global Campus & Online graduate-level application. Please utilize these instructions to assist you in completing the application.
If you have questions or need assistance in the admission or registration process, please call (800) 950-1144, ext. 3718.